Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson

One of my friends introduced me to Heather Cox Richardson a couple of years ago and I have become one of her most ardent fans. Her Letters from an American each morning is one piece to which I look forward before doing most anything else. I was ecstatic when it was announced that she would be speaking at the Ten Evenings programs of Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures. 

Democracy Awakening is a fascinating history of the United States in terms of how we have viewed and practiced democracy since the Founding Fathers gathered all their thoughts and expressed them in the documents that have formed the basis of our laws and culture. She contends that throughout our history there have been crossroads between authoritarianism and pluralism. As we approach this Presidential election, it has become even more obvious and she feels that we are "teetering on the brink" of authoritarianism if the election of Republicans comes to pass. 

Richardson is a scholar and professor of U.S. History at Boston University. Her research for this book traces the rise in the right wing ideology back to the New Deal of the 1930s through the Nixon presidency, Reagan and most recently most outstandingly personified by Donald Trump. There are no fewer than 10 chapters that delineate how he has moved to secure the position which sets him in direct comparison to the leaders of European fascism and Nazi Germany. She describes how in his term as President, one of the first actions were executive orders that began to dismantle the government and install his cronies and family members into interim positions to avoid needing Congressional approval. Of course his installing 3 ultra conservatives on the Supreme court has lead to the repeal of Roe v. Wade and the eradication of a women's right to have control over health decisions. 

Richardson has such an incredible way of writing that is learned and academic, but truly understandable by the non-academic. Her explanations illustrate give the lay reader a means to understand not only the past, but also the what is happening now and how we need to heed the warning signs that have been posted by the vile rhetoric of the evangelical conservative wing of the Republican Party. A must read for every citizen who does not want to be accused of having his or her head buried in the sand. 

I cannot wait to hear her speak.

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry

The Secret Book of Flora Lea was just the kind of book I needed to take to Physical Therapy. It was engaging and a not too difficult read. In addition, it took place in London and was set at the time of World War II, time and place among my favorites. The novel has two timelines, one in the 1940s and the other in the 1960s.

Hazel and Flora Linden live in the Bloomsbury area of London with their mother. Their father has gone off to fight in the war and was killed in faulty engine fire while in training for the RAF. As the war rages, orders are given to evacuate the children from central London. The two sisters are sent to Binsy, Oxfordshire to be billeted with Bridie Aberdeen, a loving and caring woman who is also a single mother to her son Harry. In order to comfort her sister, Hazel creates stories centered around a fictional place, called Whisperwood. It is their secret and no one else is privy to it. Tragically, one day when Hazel, Flora and Henry are near the river in Oxford, Flora disappears. She was left alone sleeping and when Hazel and Henry come back to the river bank, she is gone. A massive search is conducted and she is presumed to have drowned.

Flash forward to 1960s in London to find Hazel working at a rare book store. For most of her life she has pursued what had actually happened to Flora. It haunts her day and night.  She is taken aback the last day on the job at the book store before she moves on to another job at Sotheby's. In the books for her to process to add to the store's collection, she opens one by an American author entitled Whisperwood and the River of Stars. How could someone know about the secret kingdom. Surely Flora is still alive and somehow the author has heard the story from her. 

She takes the book home with her and shares the story with her boyfriend, Barnaby. Inadvertently a couple of the illustrations get ruined, and her guilt about stealing the book gets the better of her. She decides to return the book, knowing that she could be arrested for stealing it and losing her job. 

The novel then morphs into a mystery about the missing Flora and how Hazel plays detective to find her. It becomes a page-turner, for sure as Hazel revisits all those who may have come in contact with Flora - Bridie, Harry, Kelty, and four nurses who often babysat the girls. She contacts the author of the book, Peggy Andrews, who travels from Cape Cod to London to become part of the adventure.

It is a captivating tribute to the power of storytelling and its magic. Throughout the book Bridie tells stories as does the journalist, Dorothy Bellamy,  who is writing about the children of Operation Pied Piper. those who were evacuated. It is also a novel following your heart and listening to what it sees for your future, especially when it comes to love.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise by Pico Iyer

The Half Known Life is a slim book with so much between its covers. In some respects it is a travelogue and in others a look into the theology and philosophy that men seek to understand. Iyer was born in Oxford England and has lived in San Francisco and Japan. This book recounts his travels to Iran, North Korea, Northern Ireland, Kashmir, and Sri Lanka. He seeks to discover what Paradise means to the inhabitants of those places in addition to himself.

Central to the book is Iyer's relationship to the Dalai Lama with whom he has been friends for over 40 years. As he has traveled the world with the Dalai Lama, he has become accustomed to the people who search out paradise here on Earth and beyond. In response to that, however, the answer lies more in the experiences on Earth rather than theoretical explanations of eternal life.

Traveling from place to place is illustrative of the human condition where people struggle for a meaningful existence, especially in the midst of chaos and violence. Although Iyer is not a Buddhist, he tends to look at the calmness that is central to that religion and suggests that a reliance on it will provide a quiet that leads to introspection.

He comes to the conclusion "I decided that I would no longer seek out holy places in [a] city of temples I would just let life come to me in all its happy confusion and find the holiness in that.”

Iyers conveys a sense of peace, wanderlust and even some strife as he travels to all the places. It was a book that I probably would not have picked up except that he will be speaking on 29 September 2024. I am anxious to hear him. I do wish that there had been a map within the book that detailed his journeys. 

Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures - 30 September 2024

Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures - 30 September 2024


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Long Island by Colm Tóibín

Long Island  is the sequel to Tóibín's Brooklyn. At the end of that novel Eilis Lacey had decided to leave her native Ireland at the end of a sojourn there from Brooklyn.This was despite the fact that she would miss her mother, her best friend, Nancy, and the man with whom she had rekindled romance despite the fact that she was secretly married.

Nearly twenty years later Tóibín's
latest novel picks up her life in New York with husband, Tony, in their Lindenhurst home on Long Island. They are the parents of two teenagers, Rosella and Larry. But then Tóibín drops the bomb that will change the course of her life. A man appears at her home alleging that while on a plumbing job at his home, Tony has had an encounter with his wife who is now pregnant with his child. It is the man's intention that when the baby is born, he will be dropping it on the doorstep of her home. Eilis will have not part of this and the scheme that her mother-in-law and Tony have devised. 

She needs time to mull over this situation and decides to head back to Ireland and the comfort of Enniscorthy. It will be time to spend with her mother and after a few weeks to bring Larry and Rosella over to meet their Irish grandmother. In that time she reconnects with Nancy and Nancy's planning of her daughter's wedding. And of course in that vein, she also rekindles her friendship with Jim Farrell, owner of a local pub. Long Island actually becomes a novel, not only about Eilis, but of her friends and the people of Enniscorthy. There are secrets that are exposed and secrets that are kept. At times we know their innermost thoughts and at other times, we can only guess.

The novel engages the reader from the get-go and doesn't let go until the end. It was a read that immerses a person in a place faraway with people who struggle with ordinary life and tragedy. It is one of those books that a reader can't wait to see the plot resolved, but at the same time does not want it to end. It bodes well that there might be another Eilis Lacey work to come.

 What a delightful evening it was on 16 September when Colm spoke. He has an incredible sense of humor and really gave insight into his books. 


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett


Ann Patchett has been one of my favorite authors since I read Bel Canto. Tom Lake has been on my TBR list since it was published. I was glad when we selected it as a Book Club choice. I wasn't disappointed. 

Told in the first person by Lara Nelson during the pandemic, the novel toggles back and forth between the present and Lara's past. She and Joe's daughters have come home to the family farm in Michigan to spend the pandemic lock down with their parents. Emily is the oldest and has a degree in horticulture with an eye on taking over the farm. Maisie is in vet school and Nell was about to move to NYC to pursue an acting career before COVID-19 hit. Each has a distinctive personality that comes through in their reaction to their mother's story. 

When Lara (originally Laura, but she removed the u after reading Dr. Zhivago), was a teenager, she was volunteering at a community theater's auditions for a production of Thornton Wilder's Our Town. After seeing so many trying out for Emily who were less than stellar, she tries out and is selected. This starts her on her acting career and she becomes hooked. During the course of her life, she takes on that role numerous times. During one of these times, she meets a Ripley, a talent scout who encourages her to go to Los Angeles to audition for a movie role. Lara recounts her meeting Peter Duke, a famous actor and their summer stock experience at Tom Lake, her return to New Hampshire that leads her to NYC where she rekindles her friendship and eventually her marriage to Joe Nelson. 

The cherry orchard provides the backdrop for this novel and the memories that Lara shares. It is also a cathartic journey for her as she puts her life in perspective for her daughters. It is especially telling as she remembers her time with Peter Duke, during which Emily is convinced that she was conceived. By recounting the time at Tom Lake, she realizes that love at 24 years old is so totally different that the love she feels for Joe. It is then that she is at peace with her life. 

 Thoroughly enjoyed this book with its style and the emotions that it elicited. Another great Ann Patchett experience.

Monday, August 19, 2024

I'll Push You by Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck

An incredible account of a journey shared by two men, Patrick and Justin, who had been boyhood friends. Justin had seen a Rick Steves program on the Carmino Santiago, a pilgrimage route of 500 miles in Spain. It leads to the Cathedral at Campostella where it is said that the bones of the Apostle James are buried. Justin was intrigued and decided that he would like to embark on this journey. There was one issue that proved daunting. Justin had been diagnosed with a neurological disease a number of years earlier that left him without use of his arms or legs. He would have to do the journey in a wheel chair. He asked his Patrick if he would accompany him and he agreed. 

The two planned the trip - ordering a specially made chair for Justin and getting the blessings of their wives and children. The book is a diary of that journey with some flashbacks to the history of their friendship and lives. It was eye-opening to read of their struggles and joys as they hiked the trails, many of which were just rocky paths. They met many other pilgrims along the way who helped them and became friends. 

It was an interesting book, but I wished that it had been more descriptive of the towns along the way. However, it was more devoted to faith, belief and the Christian way. There is a documentary that was produced from the videography that was taken on the journey. It further emphasized the ruggedness of the trails and the tribulations that were encountered. 

A quick read for those who may want to bolster their belief in the human spirit.   

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Prophet Song by Paul Lynch

Winner of the 2023 Man Booker Prize, Prophet Song is a dystopian novel set in Dublin in an unspecified time period, but fairly contemporary with its mobile phone technology and vague references to the pandemic. Beginning with the introduction to a fairly typical family, the novel quickly takes the reader on a journey through upheaval and frenzy.

The Stack family consists of  father, Larry, a teacher and head of the teachers' union, Ellish, the mother and microbiologist, and their children, Mark, Molly, Bailey, and Ben. The National Alliance Party (NAP) has seized the government of the country and has virtually stripped its citizens of their liberties. Larry is arrested for his participation in union activities and has not further contact with his family. Ellish is convinced that he will at some point in the near future return home to his family. She works hard at trying to contact him, but to no avail. This leaves her as the head of the family and, as such, she does her best in keeping things as normal as possible for her children. As news of her husband's arrest becomes known, Ellish loses her job as well. 

With tensions at a breaking point, war eventually breaks out between the state and rebels. Mark is drafted by the army, but joins up with the rebel forces. With airstrikes and government checkpoints the Stack home is in the midst of the conflict. Her sister, Áine, reaches out and tries to convince her to leave Dublin, but she does not want to leave feeling that it will resolve and Larry and Mark will be found. When Bailey is wounded, Ellish begins to reconsider her choice. 

As most dystopian novels, Prophet Song is most disturbing. It is not hard to envision a political party coming to power that is intent on doing away with civil liberties, eg the tenets of Project 2025. This theme resonated for me as I read the book. As the government expands its power, the citizens lose power over their lives. It is not hard to comprehend this as we watch freedom and autonomy being stripped from many citizens today. 

A powerful read that is a cautionary tale of a spiral into darkness if a citizenry is complicit and silent. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

This was a book that had been on my TBR list since it was published. I enjoy James McBride's writing style. I was excited that we had chosen it for our Gable Book Club. Then I was dismayed that I was going to be out of town for our discussion. 

In 1972 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, a skeleton is discovered in a well while workers were clearing land for a townhouse development. McBride sets the stage as he then flashes back to 1925 and begins the story of Moshe and Chona Ludlow. Moshe is the proprietor of a theatre who books musical acts and Chona runs the Heaven & Earth Grocery Store. They live on Chicken Hill, which has traditionally been home to Jewish immigrants. They are a charming couple and in love. Chona suffered an injury to her foot in childhood and is fairly dependent on Moshe taking care of her. The grocery store is a haven and and frequented by immigrants from Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. Likewise, Moshe welcomes Negro acts to the theatre, signaling how inclusive and accepting they are of ethnic and diverse populations. 

Throughout the novel, McBride introduces the reader to a slew of characters who are so well-developed and interesting. Two in particular are Nate and Addie Timblin. Addie helps Chona with the store and takes care or her with her illness. Nate and Addie approach the Ludlow's to take care of Dodo, a deaf black boy whose mother dies. His observance of a vicious act on Chona sends him to an institution where he is treated in a low-functioning ward. Much of the movel is focused on trying to get his release from Pennhurst. 

Add to the mix the nefarious activity of a town council member who is siphoning water away from the shul in order to provide water to his dairy farm. Repairing the pipeline, freeing Dodo, and a celebratory parade provide a unique culmination for the story and solves the mystery that McBride sets up at the beginning of the novel.

This was an incredible read because of the plot layers and the development of all the characters. It is most difficult to summarize in a few words because of the interactions of all the characters and the complicated plot lines.  If one had unlimited time, it is definitely worth another read. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Marta Molnar

Chosen for the July Gables Book Club, I had a bit of time to get ahead on some reading. The basis of this novel were the letters and diaries of Johanna Bonger, the sister-in-law of Vincent Van Gogh. It was a fascinating interplay between her life and the life of Emsley Wilson, whose grandmother gives her a box containing the memorabilia. 

Wilson is an auctioneer who arranges political auctions for the rich and famous. She owns the company with Trey, a boyfriend with whom she has broken up. This complicates her life as she also deals with the hospitalization and death of her grandmother, Violet. Violet was a well-known New York City socialite and artist. After Violet's death Emsley is charged by her mother to clean out Violet's Greenwich home to make sure there is nothing that would tatter Violet's name. During this process she learns that Trey is plotting to dissolve the business and requires that Emsley come up with the million dollars to buy him out to save it. 

During this time she becomes further engrossed in the diaries in which Johanna, after the death of her husband Theo, makes it her goal to establish Vincent as an accomplished artist. Johanna finds herself a young widow with a little son and refuses to take a back seat to no one. She is an independent woman, much like Emsley strives to become. 

There are some additional, well drawn characters in the book, especially the chicken that is given to her by Violet's neighbor, Mrs. Yang. Johanna's brother, Dries, is well articulated and provides support for his sister as she deals with Theo's illness. Emsley begins to see a real genealogical connection between her grandmother and Johanna and goes to great ends to establish that relationship.  

This was an incredibly well researched book and an entertaining one. There are a number of quotes that resonate with the reader. It was especially ironic that Johanna remarked that Monet had moved to Giverny to paint water lilies and that it will be “will be the end of him in the profession.”

Friday, May 24, 2024

Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín

Spurred on by the announcement that Tóbín would be speaking as part of the Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures series about his sequel to Brooklyn, I decided to read this first. I had thought that I had read it, but must have only seen the movie, which was an Oscar nominate film in 2016. After reading Let Us Descend, it was a pleasure to read this novel that was heartwarming and uplifting. 

Eilis Lacey is a young Irish girl who is having a hard time finding work in her little town of Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland. She lives with her older sister, Rose, and her mother. Her father was recently deceased. At the suggestion of Father Flood, a priest who had moved to Brooklyn and the persuasion of Rose, Eilis embarks on a life-changing journey and moves to New York. Father Flood secures a job for her at a department store and lodging at Mrs. Kehoe's boarding house. Mrs. Kehoe, is a stickler for rules and proper compartment and becomes almost a second mother to Eilis because she is always polite and respectful. Eilis has expressed a desire to become an accountant/bookkeeper at the department store and enrolls in classes to become certified. Her social life consist of helping out at Flood's parish and also in attending the parish dances. It is there that she meets Tony Fiorello, a Brooklyn native of Italian descent. Their relationship develops so beautifully with restraint as one might expect in the time of the 1950s. 

When Eilis receives word that her sister has died, the relationship takes on an entirely different course with both Eilis and Tony feeling that they needed to go to confession because of their passion. She feels that she also needs to go back to Ireland to spend some time with her mother and so they make legal the consummation of their love before she leaves. They had talked of a family and building a life together and Tony did not want her to get to Ireland and stay there. 

At that point in the novel, the reader feels the tension that Eilis felt when she returned to her home. With meeting old friends, consoling her mother, and even rekindling an almost romantic relationship with an old suitor, Jim, she is conflicted as to where she belongs. At the culmination of the book, she makes her decision.

Understanding what immigrants endured, prejudice, their hard working contribution to our country, was an added theme to the book and one that we should not forget in today's time. What a wonderful read and now on to Long Island.